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    On November 2 in 2011, the chairman and secretary of the party branch of the company, comrade wu hanmin, reported to the standing committee of the provincial party committee and the minister of publicity department of the provincial party committee, MAO linsheng, the working situation of the company's "striving for excellence first" : Since last may pioneer "stability" were the first to fight for their optimal activities, under the leadership of chairman of the board of directors of the company, put forward the "pursuit of advanced grass-roots party organizations, to be outstanding communist party member, to be" model worker of overall activity goal, through the "big five" carrier and the creation of the "three demonstration building" brand, and make the enterprise technology innovation ability, enterprise culture construction and party building demonstration obtained the comprehensive promotion, the company formed a strong pursuit of atmosphere, transformation and upgrading of enterprises has also taken a solid pace. This year I company is listed as demonstration pilot project of party construction enterprise, through the two new organization acceptance, our company is zhejiang province administration for industry and commerce, the federation of development of private enterprises in zhejiang province named "corporation party hundred booster transformation of typical demonstration enterprise", in June this year, chairman of han-min wu was zhoushan municipal party committee rated as "outstanding communist party member" zhoushan city, were of zhoushan dinghai district party committee awarded "top ten dinghai pioneer". After hearing the report, minister MAO attached great importance to our project of "tidal power generation". We are determined in the street under the leadership of the working committee, under the guidance of relevant departments, according to two new group in the city were the first to fight for their superior activity advance will put forward "to hear, to see, to learn, sustainable" and the creation of "the development of strong, strong party" advanced enterprise general requirements, continue to "three demonstration construction" as the gripper, focus on standardization of party organization construction and the enterprise culture construction, actively explore to establish "enterprise alliance, the branch factory" model enterprise party construction activities, play a role of demonstration enterprises, and vigorously create innovation team, comprehensively improve enterprise innovation ability, to get the energy conservation and environmental protection "subdivided conical twin-screw extruder in the national promotion, Popularize the two technologies of "tidal power generation" and "improving ship speed" in zhoushan to save energy for the country and contribute to the construction of new district of zhoushan islands in zhejiang province.

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